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mardi 4 mai 2010

Sakura Cosmétiques contest

Bonjour, salut, hello,salam aleykum, holaaaaa,

Athena Cosmetiques organise un concours ouvert internationalement, sur le thème " le retour des beaux jours".
Je vous conseille vivement de jeter un oeil à son blog, qui est une vraie mine d'or d'infos concernant les nouveautés en matières de cosmétiques.

Just wanted to let you know that Sakura Cosmétiques, a french blogger is organizing a contest open internationaly, no need to be a suscriber to participate ( but you can do it he!he!).
Her blog is really interesting, and a gold mine of cosmetic news...
The theme : the sunny day is coming back.
You have to do a makeup that makes you think about the theme...
You have to send 3 pics at sakuracosmetiques[a]

Open 'til the 9 of may 11:59pm

Rendez-vous sur Hellocoton !

8 commentaires:

  1. we have to asnwer some questions.. but I don't understand..:(

  2. Yes this is another contest this one loool
    I made a mystake ^^
    The first link is the contest that I'm talking about...
    I'm gonna correct it right now ;)

  3. tout simplement magnifique... Très très beau travail, je suis conquise

  4. C'est moi qui te remercie AthenaSakura xoxo


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